Ethical issues in sharing online images with people with PMLDs: consent, awareness and representation.
13.00-15.15 Online Webinar Rix Centre Thursday 20th February 2025
In a fast changing online world, we need ethical guidelines for the sharing of images and information, with people who lack capacity for informed consent.
Social media is now a primary channel for chat, information sharing and marketing. People with lived experience of profound disabilities have the right to participate and to be represented online. How can we engage them so that they have some agency in these decisions?
Join us to share your ideas and good practice. Short presentations will be followed by discussion in breakout rooms, ending with a plan of action.
Keynote talk.
- Maíre Messenger Davies, Emerita Professor of Media Studies and Policy at Ulster University. Key issues in sharing online content:
Panel presentations:
- Ben Simmons, Reader in Inclusive Education and Disability Research, Bath Spa University
- Catherine de Haas, Parent, doctoral student Southampton University
- Julie Calveley, Director NAC-wellbeing, learning disability nurse
- Gosia Kwiatowska, Director and Paul Watts Reader in Media, Rix Centre
- Liz Tilley, Professor of Learning Disability Studies, Open University
- Rachel Barker Dorothy Goodman School