As well as our online training courses and webinars, we can provide in person or online workshops specifically designed for your needs, as a half day, whole day or twilight session. Please get in touch with us for a no obligation chat about how we can help.
We can deliver to a staff group so that everyone gets the training at the same time and in the same way.
Training courses are managed through PAMIS Email for further information
Specialist training for using Storysharing®
- With people who have particular needs – including autism, nonverbal communicators, people with multi sensory needs, children and adults with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
- In different settings eg. at work, in family and residential homes, in health care.
- For family members and parent carers we can offer a one off 30 minute free call to talk about how to start with sharing stories, or addressing particular challenges.
“Having seen the videos in the annual review I know it does work- pupils are expressing themselves very coherently and you wouldn’t necessarily expect them to do it. They’ve got structure, it makes sense and they are engaged with their story- and it is their story. Its personal- it’s about them, rather than having to fit into someone else’s structure.”
“It fits into everything and that is what I like about it- it’s simple, it’s portable, and it’s adaptive, whatever you need it to be it can be that and that’s why it works!”