Our courses are now available online by clicking here.

Storysharing Masterclass with Gunnar Vege December 2nd 16.00-17.30pm- tickets available now for a rare opportunity to see him demonstrate how memory for events can be created and shared with people who have complex sensory impairments, including those with PMLDs. Gunnar is one of the leading practitioners working with people with congenital deaf blindness.
Click here to buy tickets and email us if you are a parent carer who would like a free place.

On November 25th we have the Surviving through Story conference, sharing the experiences of people with learning disabilities during the pandemic (you will NOT want to miss the gorilla doing a charity run…) https://www.survivingthroughstory.com/post/surviving-through-story-conference
On October 12th with Julie Calveley of NAC we held a webinar to explore how parents think their children with PMLDs experience and express emotions. If you would like to be part of the working group, please email us at info@storysharing.org.uk. A short presentation can be viewed here https://storysharing.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Do-you-know-how-I-feel-presentation.pdf
More events planned for 2022 – so watch this space and sign up for our newsletter to learn more.
Download the September 2021 newsletter for more information about the above, and more.