Storysharing® is firmly grounded in co-production and the social model of disability, which focuses increasing participation, removing barriers caused by access, attitudes and discrimination.
We recognise the ways that impairments and health conditions impact on the ability of individuals to live their lives – as for all of us, though in varying degrees. We emphasise interdependence, and the principle of “partial participation” (Baumgart) which states that though a person may not be able to do everything, they can do something.
The question is, what is that something? How can the person contribute to the social act of telling a story, and how can we work together to tell it.
Baumgart, D. et. al., (1982) Principle of partial participation and individualized adaptations in educational programs for severely handicapped students. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 7(2) 17-27.